2014 m. vasario 4 d., antradienis


Nowaydas there are many different professions and theres a point in life of every man where he has to choose which path to take. Some people make this decision depending on how much money they can earn while others make it depending on where they would like to work in the future. 
 My chosen profesion is law and customs for which i chose to study in Mykolas Romeris university which is the most prestigious law university in Lithuania. One of the reasons for choosing this profession is because I failed to pass the health exam CMEK and so I decided to study in Mykolas Romeris university, the second reason is that there are many criminal activities going on our boarder so I feel like its my job to help my country with that problem. I am very pleased with my studies so far, all the teachers are very well educated and tech us very well, I have also met and made friends with a lot of people.
 I highly recommend studying in this university for anyone planning to study law as long as you are prepared to put in a lot of work and time into it.

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